Colleges and Universities
The T
The ​following partnering universities, colleges, and seminaries have agreed to approve our college-level coursework and then to transfer your credits to their study program for a degree and grade transcripts for a matriculation fee.
Degrees Awarded:
M.Min Master of Ministry in Christian Counseling
D.Min Doctorate of Ministry in Christian Counseling
Andersonville Theological Seminary is located in Camilla, Georgia. The school currently has over 6,000 students enrolled from all 50 states and 15 foreign countries. The Seminary allows Bible students to complete their degree work without having to leave the field of service.
ATS has affiliate status with the Association for Biblical Higher Education (A.B.H.E.). For over forty years, ATS has been recognized as a quality Bible seminary, maintaining conservative values and teaching.
Degrees Awarded:
M.C.C. Master of Christian Counseling
D.P.C. Doctor of Pastoral Counseling
D.C.C. Doctor of Christian Counseling
The main campus for C.B.C.S. is located in Ridgely, Maryland. The college was first established in 1977 and presently has several hundred graduates.
The Maryland Higher Education Commission certifies that C.B.C.S. satisfies all of the criteria for the status of a religious degree-granting institution as set forth in Section I-202 of the Education Article.
C.B.C.S. is accredited by the Accrediting Commission International (A.C.I.)
This college encourages graduates to attend annual graduation ceremonies held in Maryland.
Degrees Awarded:
B.A. in Christian Counseling
M.C.C. Master of Christian Counseling
M.A. in Clinical Pastoral Counseling
Th.M. in Christian Counseling
D.C.C. Doctor of Christian Counseling
Ph.D. in Clinical Pastoral Counseling
Th.D. in Christian Counseling
Colorado Theological Seminary School (CTS) is authorized to operate in the state of Colorado under Colorado’s Degree Authorization Act (23-2-101 et seq., C.R.S.).
Colorado Theological Seminary is a Sustaining Member of the Florida Council of Private Colleges and The Council of Private Colleges of America, whose purpose is to promote quality faith based education, and provide support services for faith based educational institutions to accomplish their individual purpose and mission. This is the same organization to which Moody Bible Institute belongs.
Colorado Theological Seminary is an Affiliate institution of the Association for Biblical Higher Education. As such, it participates in and contributes to collegial and professional development activities of the association. Affiliate status does not, however, constitute, imply, or presume ABHE accredited status at present or in the future.
Colorado Theological Seminary is a Certified Academic Institution with the National Christian Counselors Association (NCCA).
CTS is proud to be a member of The Association of Christian Distance Education (ACCESS), a leading network of Christian organizations and individuals characterized by a commitment to make education accessible. The purpose of ACCESS is to provide growth, fellowship, and sharing of ideas and resources to help each other improve the quality of courses, programs, and services.
Colorado Theological Seminary is proud to be affiliated with Our Daily Bread, a premier producer of seminary study materials. Our Daily Bread offers studies through audio courses that are recognized and approved by many seminaries in the United States and Canada.
CTS is exempt from federal income tax under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in section 501(c)(3).
Degrees Awarded:
M.A. in Clinical Christian Counseling
Ph.D. in Clinical Christian Counseling
The main campus for this school is located in Jacksonville, Florida, however, this is a very large college and they have campuses in over 50 cities.
Jacksonville Theological Seminary is accredited by the National Accrediting Association in Washington, D.C. In addition, they are fully accredited by the Accrediting Commission International (A.C.I.).
J.T.S provides classroom instruction and degree programs through distance education (home study). This school utilizes N.C.C.A.’s curriculum for any and all students who are majoring in counseling.
Degree transfer candidates submitting to Jacksonville are required to provide sealed transcripts of all previous degrees earned and send to the NCCA along with an additional candidate informational packet available from the NCCA upon request.
Degrees Awarded:
MCC Master in Christian Counseling
MCCC Master in Clinical Christian Counseling
MPC Master in Pastoral Counseling
MCPC Master in Clinical Pastoral Counseling
DCC Doctor in Christian Counseling
DCCC Doctor in Clinical Christian Counseling
DPC Doctor in Pastoral Counseling
DCPC Doctor in Clinical Pastoral Counseling
DSM-CCC Doctor in Specialized Ministry – Advanced Clinical Christian Counseling*
*second doctorate only
Northwind Theological Seminary offers online degree programs designed for bi-vocational, second career and lay ministry students seeking a non-traditional educational foundation for their ministry. The Seminary operates under a Religious Exemption from the Florida Department of Education Commission for Independent Education. Northwind administrative offices are located in Winter Garden, Florida.
Northwind was founded by Rev. Dr. Robert J. Duncan, Jr. after his retirement from Bacone College where he served as President and Professor of Religion. Bacone was a regionally accredited college that used the APS for every freshman & transfer student and offered NCCA training as part of its Christian Ministry Degree program.
Dr. Duncan was the recipient of the Drs. Richard and Phyllis Arno 2009 Temperament Award. He has served as a frequent speaker at the NCCA Annual Conference. Dr. Richard Arno is a Northwind Board Member and is a Distinguished Senior Fellow for Counseling Ministries at Northwind.
Northwind Theological Seminary's Christian Counseling and Life Coaching degrees are accredited by the Accrediting Commission International. Northwind is a member of the Florida Council of Private Colleges and a Certification Candidate for the Council of Private Colleges in America.
Northwind is an institutional member of:
ACCESS – The Association of Christian Distance Education
DTL - The Digital Theological Library
Northwind has partnered with the following organizations to offer courses and degrees that meet their educational requirements for ordination:
American Baptist Churches - USA
Paragon Christian Alliance International
Pillsbury Scarborough Bible College & Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri, was established in 1991 by the FreeWay Foundation, a Christian educational ministry, originally established in 1890. Pillsbury offers distance learning undergraduate and graduate degrees in Biblical Counseling, Biblical Studies, Christian Counseling Psychology.
Degrees Awarded:
M.C.C. Master of Christian Counseling in Clinical Psychology
C.Psy.M. Master of Christian Psychology in Clinical Counseling
D.C.C. Doctor of Christian Counseling in Clinical Psychology
C.Psy.D. Doctor of Christian Psychology in Clinical Clinical Counseling*
* second doctorate only
Pillsbury Scarborough Bible College and Seminary operates as an exempt Christian institution under the authority of the Missouri Coordinating Board for Higher Education. PSBCS is accredited by the Accrediting Commission International for Schools, Colleges, and Theological Seminarie
Feed My Sheep School of Counseling is an educational and training institute for Pastors and Christians interested in earning a Christian Counseling Degree.