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The FEED MY SHEEP SCHOOL OF COUNSELING is primarily an online educational and training institute for Pastors and Christians interested in earning a Christian Counseling Degree. Classes begin onsite one time per year, but the student can begin independent study any day of the year. The program offers credentialing for Pastoral Counselors or Christian Counselors through the National Christian Counselors Association, a certification/licensing program, not to be confused with state licensing in any way. It is distinctly different and intended for a person who wants to practice as a minister of counseling and servant of the Body of Christ. In addition to the training offered by FEED MY SHEEP SCHOOL OF COUNSELING, the NCCA requires a ministerial credential to complete the program. We recommend a few options. Ministerial credentials can be earned at:


The main purpose of FEED MY SHEEP SCHOOL OF COUNSELING is to provide quality training for Pastors and Christians who feel God’s call to Christian counseling.  Our training will result in credentials that the Christian and non-Christian community will recognize. However, the authority and call to Christian service has always been by the Holy Spirit of God.


While it is not the intention of FEED MY SHEEP SCHOOL OF COUNSELING to be a degree conferring institution we are pleased to offer Christian Counseling Degree completion programs and life skills related degrees in partnership with a list of accredited Colleges and Universities. 

christian counseling

Feed My Sheep School of Counseling is an educational and training institute for Pastors and Christians interested in earning a Christian Counseling Degree.

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